Easter Hair Clips
With Easter approaching, I wanted to make something cute to put in my daughter’s hair to get into the Easter spirit, celebrate rebirth and Springtime (even though it is not Spring in Australia… we are still having beautiful weather here in Perth WA).

Makin’s Clay® - White, Blue, Yellow and Merlot Clay
Makin's Clay® Roller or Clay Machine
Makin’s Professional® Cutting Mat
Makin's Clay® Cutter Set - Easter Set of 9 - Egg and Bunny cutter
Makin's Clay® Clay Tool Set - Chisel
Micro circle cutters
Wavey blade
Dotting tool
Tacky glue
Hair Clip - Aligator clip
Mix white and a small amount of colour together. Roll out your Makin's Clay® colour mix to the thickest setting on your clay machine. Do the same with the other colours, mix a small amount into a larger amount of white. To achieve a pastel, lighter shade of the primary colours.

Using your Rabbit cutter from the Makin's Clay® Cutter Set - Easter Set of 9, Cut out a rabbit from your Yellow. Roll a small ball of the Pink shade clay and place it where the cottontail would be on the rabbit cut out. Using the pointed end of the Makin's Clay® Clay Tool Set - Chisel, in a dotting action secure and texture the pink ball, to make it look like a full cottontail.

Again using your Egg-shaped cutter from the Makin's Clay® Cutter Set - Easter Set of 9, Cut out an egg from each pastel colour (pink, blue and yellow).
Please note the yellow egg is a darker shade, I added some more primary yellow to the soft yellow mix.
I textured each egg differently using tools that I had around my studio table. Have fun with this step and explore what tools make what shape and texture onto the clay.
For example, I used a wave blade on the soft pink egg. I used some micro circle cutters and indented circles into the clay (not cutting right through the clay). And lastly, tried different dotting tools on the yellow egg.

I arranged the egg and rabbit to fit the length of the Hair clip, overlapping the eggs and placed the rabbit in the front view. Once happy with the arrangement, use tacky glue to secure them together.

Front View

Back View
Add a little dot to the rabbit’s eye area and a little indent of a line where his nose would be.

For an optional finishing touch.
Mix a soft pastel green together, using a touch of primary green and white clay mixed together. Roll into pointed snakes stands and place/secure on to either side of the rabbit with some tacky glue.

Set aside to dry for 24 hours. Once dry attach the arrangement onto the hair clip/alligator clip using tacky glue.

Hope you have fun making this adorable Easter Hair accessory.
