Hi there!
Sorry, it's been a while since I have popped into your emails to say Hi...
I do think of you often and write on my to-do list ~ write a newsletter, but it seems to get put off with other tasks.
Life being a Mum, a housewife, a now Pharmacy dispensary technician (part-time) and a small business owner can get a little crazy.
I have to admit this year feels like it has been flying past so quickly, that I haven't had a chance to stop and take a moment to 'smell the roses'. I think the busier we are the fast the days, weeks and months fly by.
But I have made some time today to write a little about what's been happening in my magical little world.
In my studio these last couple of months there has been a mixture of creating and sculpting Mushroom Fairy house, fairy doors and little Birdhouses... preparing for the Winter Kalamunda Garden Festival on 4th June. This Sunday!
I attended my first Kalamunda Garden Festival in March and it was the first big market that I have attended in years...
It was fantastic! I enjoyed seeing all the gardeners coming out and supporting Western Australia gardening and the vendors. I was so grateful for the people that stopped by and supported my little business.
I had great help setting up and serving throughout the event... my daughter and husband. You might have been served by my daughter, she didn't want me to touch the Square reader... I am not great with technology, it sometimes decides to play tricks on me Lol. She was a great little salesgirl.

That's me at my stall at the garden festival... Unfortunately, my daughter didn't want to be in the photo (aww teen life).
They will be there again with me in June and my daughter has negotiated her pay rate for the day Lol.
You will find lots of pot plant mushrooms, one-of-a-kind fairy doors like the one pictured at the top of the page, and cute little critters, including Bumblebees and Ladybirds
These make magical little Fairy Gardens or even just a pop of cuteness in an indoor potted plant.
You will find us in the orange section, stall number 10, you can find a map and more information about the festival in the photos below.

Some of the Enchanted Fairy gardens and miniatures that will be available at the Kalamunda Garden Festival!

Hope to see you there!
You might have noticed that I haven't had any new tutorials come out. I am currently taking a break from creating and writing tutorials for Create Along. But you can always see my older tutorials here on my blog or at Createalong.com.
I will be updating my blog with past tutorials that haven't been seen before here, later next this month.
If you see my social pages, you might have seen that I have joined my local craft community center, called Rockingham Creative Crafts. It is on Kent St near the Rockingham foreshore. It is a wonderful store where you will find local artists/crafters' work for sale, host workshops and more.
You will usually find me working at the store on Wednesdays from 10 am til 4 pm. If you are in the area would love for you to pop by and say hello!

I will make sure to pop over in the blog and your email more often (No spam, I promise)!
Hope you all stay warm and cozy over the cooler winter months.
Thank you so much and hope you enjoy a glimpse into my little world...
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