Hi. I am Naomi the creator and the sculptor behind the scenes of Enchanted Items. This is just a little information about Fairy doors and how I create them.
I don’t usually express myself through writing, but I do express myself through my art. Sculpting is my therapeutic release and my connection to the fairy realm.
I still believe in Fairies and the wonders in this world and I express this through my Fairy doors and whimsical sculpting. It makes things a little easier as I still have young children and have an excuse to make-believe.
To me a Fairy Door is a portal to the magical land of your imagination – it can expand a child’s imagination with a magical adventure through Fairy Tales of adventure, and stories of who lives behind the door and it’s magical lands. It can encourage children to write and use their imagination through writing letters and wishes to the fairies and leaving them at the Fairy Door. It can be used as incentives for children from the dummy/pacifier Fairy, the Sleep Fairy or even the worry Fairy to take the children’s worries away. Or it can be used purely as decorative decor!
‘Keeping the magic and wonder alive for a child is priceless…’
My process of making a Fairy Door is very free-flowing and intuitive. I am a self-taught sculptor and have learned through experimenting and lots of mistakes along the way. I never finish learning new techniques and they are always evolving. I sketch a lot of my Fairy door ideas before I sculpt them and have a sketchbook always at hand, as sometimes I can’t get the idea out quick enough.
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Wow. You must have spent ages writing that post but i love it 😁