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I am teaching in the 2021 Polymer Clay Adventure!

Naomi Enchanted Items

I am so excited to share the news that I am teaching at the 2021 Polymer Clay Adventure. This adventure consists of online Polymer Clay tutorials from 24 amazing talented artists from around the world.

Learn to create a magical playground in your Fairy Garden with this Fairy swing...

Fairies love to play! And what a beautiful way to have them visit and play in your garden or home, with your very own handmade swing by you...

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple armature, a fun easy wood grain effect and texture, simple but effective leaves and flowers, and finishing touches like little Ladybird critters, that make make wonderful Fairy pets.

Join Now and Save!

This years online adventure has an Early bird price of $99us! Plus an entry to win a Goodie Bag. ONLY in effect Oct 18-24 this year, it will NEVER be that price again.

Normal price is $147us.

Link on this link to find out more -



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